Wednesday, 27 January 2010


I am attempting to complete a work for the Onedotzero brief for entry into this year's D&AD competition and so have been looking at some of the film makers they have been involved with .

I have some screenshots and links for some of their work here.

Gaelle Denis has an interesting style whereby composite elements are merged with real time footage. Creating an eerie, fairy tale type feeling.

The examples of film projects listed on Quayola's site are interesting and quizzical. Combing 3d elements (i think) with stills to create work with an ethereal feel to them.

There is also some stuff by Nexus Productions on there too.

I'm not sure if this is from them (please correct me, if you know) but I really like the look of it and the suggestive nature it has for someone like me...

Their work is certainly plentiful. The site is just inviting you to spend at least a couple of hours wallowing in its visual pool, with various music videos, titles, idents and general filmage.


Just searching for new ways to combine texture within imagery, especially with
line art and stumbled across this work posted on 'Behancenetwork'.

I thought I'd better post it as quickly as possible as I was just reminding myself how easy it is to forget where you have seen something and subsequently never find it again..
These images were posted on the site by Florian NICOLLE < link to their profile.